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  1. Medicare Negotiation: Elizabeth supports allowing Medicare to negotiate the price of all prescription drugs for every American. By doing so, she aims to lower costs and make essential medications more accessible to patients.

  2. Closing the Medicaid Coverage Gap: During her time in the General Assembly, Elizabeth led efforts to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to over 400,000 Virginians. Now, as a social worker, she focuses on preventing people on Medicaid from losing their insurance due to expiring Medicaid subsidies from the pandemic.

  3. Public Option: Elizabeth advocates for adding a public option to Medicare. This would give individuals under 65 the choice to buy into the system at lower rates than they would pay for private insurance.

  4. Importing Drugs: Elizabeth supports allowing the FDA to import drugs from other countries. This measure aims to bring down costs and increase competition in the pharmaceutical market.

  5. Expanded Benefits: Elizabeth believes in enhancing Medicare by adding dental, vision, and hearing benefits. These additional benefits would improve overall healthcare access and quality for seniors and eligible individuals.

  6. Opposing Privatization: Elizabeth opposes efforts to privatize Medicare’s benefits behind a paywall that only benefits high-income Medicare beneficiaries. Benefits should be available to all seniors, regardless of how much money they have.