National Security

My position on homeland security is strong as anyone’s however I believe that we need to take a holistic approach to keeping our country safe. We need to separate the myths from facts in order to do that.

For example, it is a myth that we have hordes of undocumented immigrants pouring across our borders. A 2014 study by the PEW Research Center found that unauthorized immigration has dropped of significantly. The myth continues to be perpetrated by the right-wing media and racists as a scare tactic.

With that said, I support giving the Department of Homeland Security the resources necessary to do the job of keeping us safe. I support modernizing the border patrol with drones and the most technically advanced equipment available so they can adequately monitor the entire border without having to add too many more agents.

I support reforming the way the TSA screens passengers as well. I believe that it is unnecessary to force people to remove their shoes in order to get on a plane. What may be more important is to improve screening and monitoring techniques of new hires of airport workers as smuggling prohibited items onto planes is often an inside job as is theft of travelers’ possessions.